September 1, 2023, Takakkaw Falls Backcountry Parking Lot to Twin Falls CG, 6.5 km, 795 m elevation gain, 54 m elevation loss, 1 hr 31 minutes.

It was a beautiful evening for a little hike. We arrived just after 4 pm at Takakkaw Falls. While the area was still overrun with tourists there were a couple of parking spots available in the backcountry parking lot. We got ready to go quickly. So quickly I forgot to take the mandatory pre-hike group photo.

Just 40 min into our hike and we have arrived at Laughing Falls a distance of 4.2 km. There was not a lot of sightseeing on this leg of the hike but I did take time to stop and admire Laughing Falls. Like my other dogs Margaux is not as keen about water falls as I am. I am not for sure but I guess it the continuous loud thundering of the water that the dogs do not enjoy. I respected Margaux feelings so we did not lingering at the falls. We could see some activity at the campground. Laughing Falls CG is a great little campground and the short hike makes it perfect for families taking young ones on a backpacking trip. As we came to the junction with the trail to Little Yoho CG there were some people coming down the trail towards us but Margaux appeared totally unconcerned. These were the only people we saw on trail.

After leaving the hikers behind it was an uneventful hike to the campground. This section of trail is definitely not quite as well maintained as other trails in the park but it is still quality trail. Charging down down the trail we soon found ourselves at the sign announcing our arrival at Twin Falls CG. Our home for the evening.

We arrived comfortably just before 6 pm. Perfect timing for setting up the tent and getting dinner for the two of us.

There were a couple of campsites already taken. I chose the campsite that Siobhan and used when we visited the campground back in 2020. The campsite is the first one one you came to when entering the campground from the east but it is removed a little from the trail and away from the other sites giving it some more privacy. When traveling with a reactive, but greatly improved, dog creating some privacy is an important first step for a peaceful night.

While we were having dinner a family came to the eating area with two young boys and a doodle in tow. The family kept the doodle a long way from us so I figured that they were not motivated to let the dogs meet so we just kept our distance and there were no issues.

Fun little video celebrating my beer.

After dinner we did some exploring and

I tried to read while sitting at a table in the food area. Margaux was a little restless making it a bit of battle to focus on my story. I gave up after a bit and went for a walk about to help Margaux lose some energy. There is a little stream running just behind the campsites. If you want clear water this is the water source you should use as Twin Falls Creek is very silty. There is a bridge across the creek that you need to cross to access the biffy. Unfortunately Margaux decided to walk through the water as we made across the creek. This became a big deal because during the evening Margaux curled up close to me and was actually shivering. Margaux had her fleece jacket on as always but since she got wet just before we got into the tent her lower legs where still wet and it got her sleeping pad wet. I put my fleece jacket over her to warm her up. I ended up moving her sleeping pad off to the side and laying my spare clothes on the floor for Margaux to sleep on. This is the first time I have ever had a dog get cold at night but I am guessing it was the water. I am trying to decide if I need to get Margaux a different jacket with some leg coverings.

Good night from a restless Twin Falls CG.