So how interesting can pants really be?
I am a big proponent of tinkering with gear. Most gear is massed produced for the general population and works very well. We all have our own preferences and sometimes it is necessary to modify gear so that it works best for us. A couple of years ago I wanted to switch to hiking in a wide brimmed hat but I found that the back of the brim hit the top of my backpack which I found annoying. So I cut off the back and resewed the fabric back to eliminate the problem. I have been very happy with the modification and also modified Laura’s hat in the same way.

I hike in cargo pants and like to keep my bear spray in the right side cargo pocket and my tablet in the left. I like having the bear spray in my cargo pocket because it is at just the right height that I can reach it quickly and easily with my right hand. No fumbling with clasps or buckles to get the bear spray out in the event of a bear encounter. The cargo pockets in the pants I have been using are a little smaller than ones I have had in the past and this has caused issues with my set up. When hiking through thick vegetation I have frequently had the bear spray knocked out of my pocket. To prevent this I unstitched the top of the pocket and then resewed but leaving a small opening at the top that acts like a sleeve. My bear spray now sits securely in my pocket with no chance of accidentally falling out but easily accessible if I need it.

I carry a 7″ tablet for navigation (Viewranger or Guthooks) and for entertainment. Sometimes you just want to wind down with a movie before bed. I may downsize to a smaller device when the tablet quits working but at this time I cannot justify getting a new device when the table is working just fine. To keep the table accessible for navigation it is handy carry it in one of the cargo pockets. As I already mentioned the pockets are little small so to lengthen the pocket I unstitched the top of the pocket flap to give the pocket a greater depth. From the pictures you can see that the tablet sits considerably deeper in the modified pocket.